Image Shortcodes

May 19, 2021 by Jake G [Features] #shortcodes #images - 9 min

This post covers the imghover and img shortcodes. Images can also be embeded directly using markdown ![Ferris](ferris.svg), but it is better to use a shortcode so you can explicitly set the width and height, this will help prevent content layout shift which improves user experience and the google lighthouse score.

img Shortcode

Usage (same path)

{{ img(src="ferris-happy.svg" alt="Ferris is Happy" w=600 h=400) }}


<img src="ferris-happy.svg" alt="Ferris is Happy" width="600" height="400" />

Ferris is Happy

Usage (relative path ./)

{{ img(src="./img/ferris-gesture.svg" alt="Ferris says Hello" w=600 h=400) }}


<img src="img/ferris-gesture.svg" alt="Ferris says Hello" width="600" height="400" />

Ferris says Hello

Usage (root path /)

{{ img(src="/overview-rich-content/ferris.svg" alt="Ferris the Rustacean" w=600 h=400) }}


<img src="" alt="Ferris the Rustacean" width="600" height="400" />

Ferris the Rustacean

SVG image directly in code:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 600 489" width="600" height="489"><g fill="#8f1f1d"><path d="M70 324c1 3 3 4 6 4l24 4 2 5-10 20v5l7 4 24-1 4 4-7 21c0 2 0 4 3 6 1 2 4 2 7 2l24-5 4 4-1 22c-1 2 0 4 3 5h6l23-8 6 3 4 22c0 2 1 3 3 4h7l21-13 6 2 8 20 5 5c3 0 5 0 7-2l18-15h5l13 18c1 2 3 4 6 4l5-3 14-18h6l17 16c1 1 4 2 6 1 3 0 5-1 6-3l9-21 6-1 19 14h7c3 0 5-3 5-5l4-21 6-2 22 9 7-1c2-1 3-2 3-5v-21l5-4 24 6c3 0 5 0 6-2 2-2 3-4 2-6l-4-21 3-5 24 2c4 0 6 0 7-3v-5l-9-21 3-5 25-2 5-5-1-5-14-18c0-1-1-19-12-33v-1c-26-36-106-64-201-65-100-2-184 26-206 64-10 10-12 26-11 26l-15 17c-1 3-2 5-1 7z"/><path d="M565 247c-1-3-12-2-14-3l-38 1-4-7 26-38c1-2 7-7 6-9-3-3-12 1-14 1l-39 7-4-6 22-49c0-3 7-15 5-18-2-2-11 6-13 6l-43 28-4-5 11-43c0-3 7-18 5-19-2-2-9 5-12 6l-38 30-5-4 9-51c0-3 3-18 1-19s-15 13-17 14l-30 38-6-3-3-56c0-3 0-14-3-14-3-1-5 8-8 11l-25 50-7-1-13-57c-1-3-2-12-4-12-4 0-5 10-7 13l-15 56-7 1-22-52c-1-2-4-12-7-12-3 1-2 9-3 12l-7 61-6 3-19-27c-3-1-15-19-18-18-2 1 0 21-1 23l1 40-6 4-36-35c-3-1-7-7-10-5-2 2 0 10 0 13l13 53-4 5-41-26c-2-1-10-7-12-4-2 2 3 4 3 7l22 56-5 6-65-22c-3-1-10-5-12-1-1 2 5 6 6 9l49 53-3 7-47-6c-3 0-9-1-11 1-1 4 6 7 7 9l36 40a116 116 0 0 0 14 46c27 50 110 87 209 87 105 0 193-41 214-95 11-15 13-37 12-38l29-31c2-4 9-9 8-11z"/><path d="m99 289-67 10c-13 3-5 5 0 6 14 2 84 3 85 4zm402 3 67 10c13 4 5 6 0 6-14 2-84 5-86 5z"/></g><path d="M227 293s-24-26-47 0c0 0-18 35 0 52 0 0 30 24 47 0 0 0 21-20 0-52z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M200 302c0 11 6 19 14 19 7 0 12-8 12-19 0-10-5-18-12-18-8 0-14 8-14 18z"/><path d="M360 283s-40-17-52 22c0 0-11 47 33 49 0 0 58-10 19-71z"/><path fill="#fff" d="M339 299c0 10 7 20 14 20 8 0 14-10 14-20s-6-18-14-18c-7 0-14 8-14 18z"/></svg>

imghover Shortcode

The first image in the src array is the one compared to all the others.

When you hover your mouse over an image it will display the image to compare.

This can be used to compare only one image with another by passing only two src in the array.

w and h are used only to calculate the aspect ratio, overall size is set by p

Usage (same path)

{{ imghover(src=["ferris.svg", "ferris-gesture.svg", "ferris-happy.svg"] w=600 h=400 p=45) }}


    <div id="same-ferris-gesture"><b>same-ferris-gesture on hover</b></div>
    <div id="same-ferris-gestureimage" alt="same-ferris-gesture"> </div> 
    <div id="same-ferris-happy"><b>same-ferris-happy on hover</b></div>
    <div id="same-ferris-happyimage" alt="same-ferris-happy"> </div>

      #same-ferris-gestureimage {
        background-image: url('ferris.svg');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        width: 45%;
        height: 0;
        padding-top: 30%;

      #same-ferris-gestureimage:hover {
        background-image: url('ferris-gesture.svg');
      #same-ferris-happyimage {
        background-image: url('ferris.svg');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        width: 45%;
        height: 0;
        padding-top: 30%;

      #same-ferris-happyimage:hover {
        background-image: url('ferris-happy.svg');

same-ferris-gesture on hover
same-ferris-happy on hover

Usage (relative path ./)

{{ imghover(src=["./img/ferris.svg", "./img/ferris-gesture.svg"] w=600 h=400 p=45) }}


    <div id="rel-ferris-gesture"><b>rel-ferris-gesture on hover</b></div>
    <div id="rel-ferris-gestureimage" alt="rel-ferris-gesture"> </div>

      #rel-ferris-gestureimage {
        background-image: url('img/ferris.svg');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        width: 45%;
        height: 0;
        padding-top: 30%;

      #rel-ferris-gestureimage:hover {
        background-image: url('img/ferris-gesture.svg');

rel-ferris-gesture on hover

Usage (root path /)

{{ imghover(src=["/overview-rich-content/ferris.svg", "/overview-rich-content/ferris-gesture.svg"] w=600 h=400 p=45) }}


    <div id="root-ferris-gesture"><b>root-ferris-gesture on hover</b></div>
    <div id="root-ferris-gestureimage" alt="root-ferris-gesture"> </div>

      #root-ferris-gestureimage {
        background-image: url('');
        background-size: contain;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        width: 45%;
        height: 0;
        padding-top: 30%;

      #root-ferris-gestureimage:hover {
        background-image: url('');

root-ferris-gesture on hover

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